Weather-based parking plan good to go

Pilot project to be made permanent for December and March

Kingston Council's moving ahead with a weather-based parking ban for the months of December and March following a successful pilot. 

The city tested it in both December and March for 2022, 23 and March 2024 and found overnight parking was allowed on more than 65% of the nights, compared to 21% in January and February when the full parking ban is in place. 

The weather-based ban goes into effect from 1 to 7 a.m. throughout the city, except on streets near KGH where it begins at midnight. 

As for violations, they skyrocketed to more than 8,000 in 2023, up from 300 in 2022. 

96% of surveyed respondents knew the ban existed and over 60% said it had a positive impact on their parking availability.

Story by Grant Deme

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