STOP! Constable's urgent reminder: stop for school busses and crossing guards

A key to student safety

If you see a stop sign, regardless if it's at an intersection, the side of a bus, or in a crossing guards hands - you must stop.

That's the message from the Constable Andrew Gamble as the school year is well underway. Gamble understands the people are in a hurry, especially in the morning if they are running late for work or dropping off the kids, but rules are in place to keep everyone safe.

This includes the kids crossing the road, and the crossing guard who is assisting them.

Gamble says that message goes for bus stops as well.

Of note, Gamble says if you are lending out your car during the busing hours - you may want to chat with the person using the vehicle to make sure they are going to be following these rules.

Gamble says the OPP want to see a safe and successful school year, and asking for drivers cooperation to make that happen.

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