Odessa Lions celebrate 50 years of service

Outstanding contributors to the community

This weekend, Loyalist Township Mayor Jim Hegadorn joined current and past members of the Odessa Lions Club to celebrate its 50th anniversary. 

Over the last five decades, the Club has made a significant positive impact on the community, donating and raising over $500,000 for local causes.

Key initiatives include a $50,000 contribution to the park at Babcock Mill and $10,000 for playground equipment at Odessa Public School. The Club also provides yearly bursaries to students at Ernestown Secondary School and prepares food baskets for over 100 deserving families each year.

The Odessa Lions Club's dedication and service have enriched the community immensely. The Township offered a heartfelt thank you goes to all current and past members who have worked tirelessly to make Odessa a better place.

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